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  • Writer's pictureOskar Weber

How to Create Social Media Content For A Car Dealership

1. Dealership Tour

A dealership tour showcasing the showroom, the cars on your lot, the general location of the dealership in relation to the city, and the repair shop is a great way to show visitors what to expect at your store. It is important to tell a story and show your clients why they should come to your dealership and buy a car from you. This could include salesman videos of selling vehicles, service members repairing cars, and what the inside of your dealership looks like. Creating video tours and 3D maps of your dealership will allow potential buyers to browse your inventory and shop for vehicles right from their phone, increasing your online presence and brand, which will help you sell more cars and get more jobs in the service shop.

2. Bio Videos

A great way to not only grow your brand but sell more cars, bio videos helps your viewers and potential buyers get to know your sales team as well as service members so that they can feel comfortable coming to your dealer. These videos should be limited from a minute to a minute and a half and should include the name of the employe, what they do at the dealership, how they can help potential clients, and a few things about them that make them special. These videos are great ads that can be run on social media including Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, and LinkedIn. These advertisements should be posted as organic content as well as direct and paid targeted advertisements to people within a 10-15 mile radius of your dealership.

3. Vehicle Description and Review

Creating car and truck videos showcasing the exterior and interior of your cars is a great way to give people a sneak peek of new cars, and great deals you are running. This ad can be extremely successful when remarketing to people who have viewed your website, using the data you collect from running ads. Another option is doing car reviews to give in-depth reviews of vehicles, the perks, the cons, and everything in between. This will help increase potential buyers and create branding that will make your dealership stand out from the rest.

4. Holiday Content

Creating video content around holidays is another great option. Anything you can do to be creative and stand out is a great way to get more clients on your social page, in your dealer and ultimately lead to more sales. Using holidays is a great way to make content when you are struggling to come up with new and original ideas. Even better, many dealers run season specials, whether that be Christmas, 4th of July, or Valentine’s day, use these specials to get the word out.

5. Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonial in the form of text is powerful but video testimonials are even better. These videos give other potential clients a way of knowing that the testimonial is real and legit. A great way to boost brand awareness and get your city excited to visit and meet your team. Feel free to offer customers who allow you to do a customer testimonial on video a free oil change or a small gift card. These videos can be very powerful and make those who buy cars from you feel like they are part of the family, and will likely mean they will do their vehicle maintenance at your service shop as well.


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