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  • Writer's pictureOskar Weber

Why You Should Be Using Drones for Marketing your Golf Course!

Golf is more than just a game, its a release from the world, people's jobs, and the busy lives they live. Over the past 20 years, the percent of 18–24 year old’s playing gold has decreased by 30 percent. Millennials are finding the game too slow, are more apt to be watching a movie or on their phones then finding themselves out on the course. It is more important than ever to engage this younger population and get them interested in coming back to the course and learning to play golf. As most golfers know, once you start playing, you are a customer for life making it extremely valuable to capture this group of players for the health of your course.

How Do You Get Their Attention?

It is critical that you are creating valuable content to engage with customers and get them interested in coming to try golf. With millennials spending most of the day on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, snapchat, Instagram and other platforms, this is where you need to be creating content. This needs to include organic content that brings value to your customers, as well as paid content for targeted ads to engage with your customers and members. This will help increase your online presence and encourage both young and old people to come to your course.

What Type of Content Should You Be Making?

There are many types of content you can be creating, the possibilities are endless, but here are a few examples that are great to get your ideas starting.

  1. Tutorial and Lesson Videos: Creating video lessons and tutorials that you can share with your community and do targeting marketing with is a great way to show off your course, the pro’s that work at your course, and make visiting your course for the first time less intimidating. If you provide short and easy to understand video tutorials, potential clients will understand what to expect when they come to visit and encourage people to take lessons, play more practice rounds, and become a more consistent member of your course. It also helps those looking for lessons the ability to decide which pro they would like lessons with through their teaching style if your course has more than one who offers lessons. These videos can also be transcribed into text and picture format to provide those who are less visual learners have an easier time understanding the concepts you are covering.

  2. Course and Clubhouse Tour: A video tour of your course and clubhouse provides your current members, as well as potential members and the surrounding community, to see the beauty that your course offers. Show off how well maintained your landscape features are, the beautiful scenery players can expect and the course, and the professional and inviting clubhouse your course offers its members. This content can be one of the most intriguing aspects and marketing strategies to get players from around your course and even across the nation want to come and play at your course. These tours, often utilizing aerial videography give people a perspective of the course they just have never had before and perform very well with targeting advertising.


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