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  • Writer's pictureOskar Weber

Save Money, Time and Headache on Roof Inspections

1. Save Money

Roof inspections can be expensive and timely. Using aerial photography, drones are capable of capturing high-quality images to create maps of roofs. These maps allow roofers, contractors, solar installers to visit the roof and analyze its integrity from their computer. Not just a way to increase productivity, aerial inspections provide you with valuable data you are able to share and explain to customers why they need a new roof and potential damage their current roof could be causing. This saves both you and your client money, making this simple process valuable to any roofing company. Aerial maps prevent you from renting expensive lift equipment and large sums of money for expensive insurance plans.

2. Save Time

On top of saving you money, aerial roof inspections save you time. No longer do you have to visit every potential house to quote for a roof. With a drone service provider, they will visit all of your potential clients and create maps of each of the roofs. After uploading, you and your team will be able to go through each map and calculate quotes for each of your roofs. After quoting, you are able to use these maps to help sell a new roof to your clients, by showing them the damage their current roof might be causing. Aerial inspections also eliminate the time required to rent heavy lifts and drive them around to inspect your buildings and roofs.

3. Increase Safety

Roof inspections are one of the most dangerous jobs there are. Using drones to inspect your roofs mean no ladders, lifts, and no walking on roofs. About 33% of deaths are due to falls from high locations, with no people on roofs, your company becomes safer, making the property owners and workers happy.

4. Decrease Headache

No more headaches about managing and completing rood inspections for houses. Drone inspections allow any roof to be inspected, even those too steep to walk on, too high to reach with a ladder, and places where large lifts just can't go. Drone services providers take care of all of the hassles and let you inspect houses from the comfort of your computer. These maps give you the peace of mind you know what to expect and allow you to easily understand and communicate with potential clients about the conditions of their roofs.


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